Accident। Accidents Prevention In The Workplace.
It is important for each of us to have a minimum basic idea of what an accident is and how accidents happen in the workplace or how to create an accident-free workplace. Because at any moment we can face an accident. Of course, prevention is better than an accident.
An accident may be defined as an undesired event that results in harm to people, damage to property, or loss of process. On the contrary, safety is defined as freedom from accidents or the conditions of being safe from pain, injury, damage, or loss. So safety is to be considered first in all places. All operations involving hazardous substances or conditions Pose some risks of injury or damage due to Mechanical failure, Process upset, or human error. Safety is Possible only by knowing the causes of accidents and property guarding ourselves.
In order to Accident And Its Prevention In Work Place, major efforts are needed towards raising the level of safety, hazard management, and emergency preparedness. Occupational safety and health belong to every employee of the industry. It must be the concern of everyone, regardless of job title. Everywhere, every time, everyone must be aware of safety.
# Causes Of Industrial Accidents.
Poor Planning.
Unsafe Working Conditions.
Unsafe Acts.
Landequate And Ineffective Supervision.
Lack Of Knowledge Of the Consequence Of Hazards.
Poor Planning.
Planning is the first step in Hazardous site response activities. By anticipating and taking steps to prevent potential health and safety hazards, work at a hazardous site can be processed with minimum risks. Improper planning is the major cause of many accidents in the process of Industries or workplaces.
Unsafe Working Conditions.
The faulty layout of the factory.
Landequate or improper guards for machinery.
Absence of fencing and casing of dangerous machinery.
Unsatisfactory safety devices.
Overcrowding and unsafe storage of equipment.
Improper and inadequate ventilation.
Unhygienic and unhealthy conditions.
Improper and inadequate lighting.
Inadequate fire fighting Facilities and equipment.
Aging and absence of periodical maintenance of machinery.
Defective equipment.
Unsafe Acts.
Operating equipment and machines without proper Authority.
Falling to use safety dresses, as a protection against accidents.
The carelessness of Workman in throwing materials on the floors.
Operating equipment at a high speed.
Lack of knowledge and skill in operating equipment.
Physical defects of employees who do not qualify them for doing the job.
Talking while operating machinery.
Making safety devices inoperative.
Unsafe loading, Mixing and carrying words Beyond capacity.
Clinging dangerous equipment is in operation all movement.
Lifting articles in an improper manner.
Landequate And Ineffective Supervision.
If supervisors are not alert, negligent in the supervision of their workmen, and do not give proper and correct instruction, workmen tend to suffer from the occurrence of accidents.
Lack Of Knowledge Of the Consequence Of Hazards.
It leads the workman to
Carelessness during doing the job.
Unconsciousness during doing the job.
Indulges not to obey safety regulations.
# Effects Of Accidents.
Personal Effects:-
Physical Suffering.
Psychological Suffering.
Loss of ability to efficiently work.
Loss of earning capability.
Social Effects:-
Social status may get lost.
Family humiliation of the disability is prolonged or permanent.
Other Effects:-
Loss of man-hours.
Loss of machine hours.
Loss of productivity.
Loss of material.
Damaged machinery.
Damaged property.
Loss of capital.
Loss of reputation.
Compensation costs.
# Cost Of Accidents.
Cost of lost time of the injured employee.
Cost of time by other employees who stops work.
Out of curiosity.
Out of sympathy.
To assist the injured employees.
For other reasons.
- The cost of time lost by foreman, supervisors, or other executives is as follows.
Assisting injured employees.
Investigating the cause of accidents.
Arranging for the injured employee’s production to be continued by some other employee.
Selecting, training, or breaking in a new employee to replace the injured employee.
Preparing accident reports or attending a hearing before the officials.
Cost of time spent on the case by first-aid attendant and Hospital Department staff, when not paid for by the insurance carrier.
Cost due to damage to the machine, tools, or other property or due to the spoilage of material.
Incidental costs due to interference with production, failure to fulfill orders on time, loss of bonuses, and other similar causes.
Cost of an employer under employee welfare and benefits system.
Cost of an employer of continuing the wages Of the injured employee in full after his return, even though the services of the employee may be worth only about half of their thought value for a Time.
Cost due to the loss of profit on the injured employee’s productivity and on idle machines.
The cost that occurs, in consequence, of the excitement or weekend morale due to the accident.
Overhead cost per injured employee is the expenses of light, heat, rent, and other such items, which continues when the injured employee is a non-producer.
# Classification of industrial accidents.
The very many types of accidents, which occur, make it difficult to develop a method of classification and recording that gives information essential for prevention without being too complicated. According to ILO accidents may be classified as follows:
(A). Classification of industrial accidents according to the type of accident.
Fall of a person four persons.
Struck by a Falling object.
Stepping on striking against or struck by other objects excluding falling objects.
Caught in or between objects.
Over-exertion or movements.
Explore or contact with extreme temperature.
Explore or contact an electric current.
Explore or contact harmful substances from radiation.
Other types of accidents are not elsewhere classified.
(B). Classification of the industrial accident according to the agency.
Means of transport and lifting equipment.
Other equipment. Materials, substances, and radiations.
Working environment.
Other agencies, not elsewhere classified.
Agencies not elsewhere classified a lack of sufficient data.
(C). Classification of industrial accidents according to the nature of the injury.
(D). Classification of industrial accidents and bodily location of the injury.
# Prevention Of Accidents.
To prevent accidents and incidents a high-powered safety committee is to be formed in every industry to promote safety through Cooperation between employers and workers. The members of the committee should try to make sure that safety instruction is followed. The committee will mate regularly to review the situation and recommend an action plan, and an implementation plan to the higher authority. Safety is of an office-preventive nature; the aim is to stop the risks and unsatisfactory conditions are their incorporation into better working conditions. This requires contributions from and above all, cooperation between both employees and employers.
Accident। Accidents Prevention In The Workplace. knowledge can be prevented to reduce in most cases by taking the following measures:
Appropriate planning.
Safety policy in company management.
Sound communication system.
Safety regulations and safety signs.
Established procedures and work practices for safely operating and maintenance activities.
Identify the risks which can lead to injury, and illness at the workplace.
Proper inspection.
Good order and Good Housekeeping.
Personal protective equipment (PPE).
Education and training to avoid unsafe work and unsafe working conditions.
Identify the skills and knowledge necessary to perform Accident And Its Prevention In Work Place.
Correct the unsafe Hazard situation and introduce improvements.