Why Static Charge Is Dangerous In Industrial Or Manufacturing Industries.
A common ignition source within Industrial or Manufacturing Industries or Petrochemicals is sparks resulting from Static Charge buildup and sudden discharge of it.
Since many types of electrical equipment are used in the industry, a Static charge can be made in this case. And static charges can be generated from different types of moving machinery. This static charge has to be well controlled in the industry.
Electrostatic discharge occurs when two materials at different potentials or polarities come close enough together to generate a charge transfer. In an explosive environment, this sudden transfer of charges may be energetic enough to be an ignition source.
# Major Industrial Sources of Static Electricity are:-
(a) The use of power, or conveyor belts in which non-conductive materials move over or between pulleys and rollers.
(b) Pulverized materials or dust passing through chutes or being conveyed pneumatically.
(c) The flow of fluids through pipes or conduits, or from orifices into tanks or containers.
(d) The flow of gases from orifices.
(e) The use of rubber-tired vehicles.
(f) The general accumulation of static charge on personnel in the workplace, particularly when they wear overalls made of synthetic materials.
(g) There are various types of rolling machines in the industry that cause static currents or charges.
(h) The friction between two or more similar or dissimilar kinds of materials can result in static charge production.
# Means of Control of Static Charges:-
(a) Bonding and earthing of stationary conductive equipment.
(b) Increasing the conductance of floors, footwear, wheels, and tires.
(c) Increasing the conductivity of non-conductors by incorporating conductive additives, surface layers, and films, and by humidification of the atmosphere.
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